So the day my family came in was the same day my sickness came in. It was rather unpleasant and I am honestly still suffering- blogging at 10:30pm might not be helping too much but I had a restful day, okay? Any how, I felt horrible the first day they were there and basically spent the day restlessly sleeping, then loading up on Thera-flu and other lovely over the counter flu products. So by the next day I was getting kind of pissed- sick in Hawaii, HA! The one thing Timmy wanted to do while we were there is take a surfing lesson, so even though I didn't feel good enough to actually get out on the waters, I volunteered to do what I do best, take pictures! Boy, am I glad I did. There was my Aunt Nancy who pulled a hamstring right off the bat, my mom who rode each wave in on her knees on account of a recent foot breakage/surgery, Timmy who I think thought he was more coordinated then these photos prove, and Emma, sweet Emma, who was riding waves in like a pro by the end of the day.
I think this might have been when Em found out I, in fact, wouldn't be surfing. Sorry sis! A classic Emmy face, none the less.
Grandma ready to hit the beach!
The fam! Tris, Auntie Nan, Mom, Em, Me, Uncle Sean, and Grandma
Who here actually lives on the island?
Hee hee, look at moms face.
Auntie Nan heading in...are these comments annoying? With weddings I don't feel the need to say much, but this is my family. Don't they deserve introductions??? :)
So it wasn't all wipe-outs, they are just the best though, aren't they? Love Tim and Em's smiles as they plunge head first into the ocean.
Poor Timmy :) He's going to kill me, "Why didn't you post any of my catching any??? I didn't wipe out on e very one!" Well Timmy, those just aren't as funny.
Emma wins the trophy.
bit of a different approach..
Does it get any better?
One more to come... hiking day!