I meant it when I said I was going to stay away from all things digital, I have barely even updated a "tweet" since leaving. Finally, home and rested (sort of, read on..) I am blogging the first of a few posts documenting our trip to Kauai. We arrived last Thursday evening after a bit of a plane doozy for both Tim/I and my brother. Grabbed our weeks supply of groceries and headed out towards Hanalei! Kauai is one of those places that feels as though it could be perhaps located on another planet. The landscape is breath-taking and the vibe endlessly calming. Uncle Sean rented a house in Princeville as a Cancer-Free celebration and most of my family was convening there for some overlapping vacations. Tristan, Tim, and I were the first to arrive and did some good stuff before the rest of the family got into town on Sunday. Sadly, on Sunday I came down with what could only be described as torture. Sickness that knocked the life right out of me and made me cry- bed stricken for a day I couldn't help but think I was being punished for the pace at which I lead my life back here in Los Angeles. Perhaps it's time to stop and smell the roses a bit more often? I am on some heavy antibiotics now, having been diagnosed with a flu induced sinus infection, which then led me to a chest infection. Seriously folks, I was siiiiick. Lost my voice though, which is always kind of ... fun? :)
Here's my brother, Tristan, celebrating his 21st birthday the Hawaiian way in "downtown" Hanalei!
Everything is so colorful on the island.
Tim had never been to Hawaii before and he quickly adapted to the "hang loose" mentality. (PS Hawaiian air does marvelous things for my natural wave- no blow dryer needed!)
Tim caught this next one. I liked the crop although the focus could have been better. Great images are sometimes just "happy accidents."
Uncle Sean and the beautiful coastline. Not sure what this beach was called but it was really nice. Every time you step out onto a beach you feel like you were traipsing along in the jungle and just happened upon this beautiful span of sand. It rains everyday on Kauai and the showers that day on the beach were particularly refreshing.
On Saturday, we headed out to a waterfall just outside of Lihue. This is the brush overtaking the path to get down to the falls.
We all jumped off the 25 foot waterfall and Tim was brave enough to do the rope swing. You can see the scale here by how tiny he is! I am going to be such a nervous mother- I get so scared when people I love do things like this! Turned out okay though.. ;)
Tris dove off the waterfall- another nervous moment of mine.
Happy happy in Hawaii.
... more to come!