Reese and Jackson : Little Meg : Newborns

In my last post I wrote about my nostalgia obsessed state of mind and how I have always been a little preoccupied with documenting life. I have over 15 journals filled to the brim with words, thoughts, poems, lyrics, stories, etc. from my years past and while some, okay *most* of them, are totally embarrassing and things I wish I would not have written down on paper, every once and awhile I come across true gems.

Kiara is the mommy of these two little twins, Reese and Jackson. We spent many-a-day passing the time at Presentation High School together and although we mostly lost touch over the last 5 years or so she always remained someone I loved and thought of often. Over Christmas break, while leafing through boxes of my stuff in my parents attic I came across this journal page from March 14, 2001 that Kiara and I probably wrote during Mrs. Bouska's media class while we were supposed to be taking notes.

It wasn't until the middle of our shoot that I remembered this particular page but I could have sworn that Reese had been on the list. When I got home I fished it out from the basement and will you look at that?? #2: REESE!

It was not only an honor and a privileged to photograph Reese and Jackson but a challenge. I've never photographed twins before and it is no easy task! With a little patience and help from Kiara and her mother in law I think we pulled it off. Looking forward to watching these two grow and hoping to photograph them many more times in the future!

LOVE to you, Kiara :) Perhaps I'll have a little Willow to add to the bunch someday soon! (Tayleigh??? What was I thinking???)