My little love, Eloise Eve at 6 weeks old ..

I am finally starting to feel like I am getting back into some sort of routine ... Tim is back at work and I am getting in and out of the house a bit more smoothly and more often and the sleep deprivation is sadly becoming a bit TOO normal for me. ;) I have so so so much to share photo-wise and am setting some blogging goals for the next month ... I miss you guys! Stay tuned ...

Here is Miss Eloise at 6 weeks ... she is starting to smile (at things not just because of gas!), has made a few new baby friends, loves being worn by Mommy in the Ergo and Moby wrap, is sleeping pretty well at night but does not really like snoozing during the day much, is nursing like a champ (although Mom's having a bit of trouble!) but is still a petite little thing at 7lbs 9oz .... and we are loving her more each and every day!