It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

In between a handful of family shoots I decorated our mantel for the holidays this weekend. I know December 1st hasn't officially arrived yet but this is my favorite time of year and I just couldn't wait to feel cozy!

I started with some different sized brown bottles, wooden boxes, and some various fall bristles from our front yard.

Then I pulled out some ornaments from last years silver theme and accented some vases with various black and white photos of Tim and I. Behind is our wedding ceremony program- calligraphy by the amazing Maison du Papier.

Our mantel is really deep and hard to fill completely so I needed something really big to take up the center space. Tim made (yes, MADE) this beautiful card catalog piece for the wedding. It previous housed love notes to each of our guests telling them where to find their seat for dinner but for the holiday spirit I filled it with little seasonal trinkets and some Fuji Instax I took at our wedding.

Next, I hung our stockings- (Tim, myself, and our two kitties)- added some wooden snowflake garland I bought last year on Lincoln Ave. and also some faux red berry branches from Pier 1.

Then we "lit" a fire, roasted some chestnuts, and had some apple cidar! .... Almost.

And so I'm offering this simple phrase, To kids from one to ninety-two, Although its been said many times, many ways, A very Merry Christmas to you