Happy Thanksgiving!

So often I find myself complaining about things. Too much e-mail, not enough down time, not enough sleep, nothing to wear, nothing to eat, don't feel like cooking, so much work I can't breathe.... and so often I am reminded by my own heart that I have nothing to complain about; that in the grand scheme of life I am a very very lucky girl.

When I was a little girl, as a family, we'd sit around the dinner table each night and Dad would ask, "Good thing, bad thing?" We'd cycle around the table and each have to recite one good thing that happened that day and one bad thing. Bad things were always easy to find .. sometimes it took restraint not to list off 10 bad things one after another... but finding good things always took a little work. That was the beauty of it ... Some days, good things were something as simple as, "I forgot my lunch and Alicia lent me money..." and some days they were as grand as, "I got the lead in the school play!" Finding good in things, even when life feels bleak, is a beautiful thing and giving thanks for little blessings can turn around even the darkest of days.

It doesn't take Thanksgiving for me to acknowledge thanks these days but it is a wonderful thing that Thanksgiving encourages it. I wish you all a day full of love and laughter and the ability to see the good things that you are blessed with, even if sometimes it feels like you can't even put one foot in front of the other. Eat, drink, and be merry and thank you all so much for being a part of my life!