Bay Area Wedding Photographer : Megan and Kevin tie the knot at The Olympic Club in San Francisco

This coming weekend I have my first wedding of 2012 so it only feels right to blog my last wedding of 2011- FINALLY. Believe it or not, I still have a few weddings from 2011 to share that have been held up for one reason or another so if you haven't seen yours up here yet- stay tuned!

Megan was really a bride after my own heart- she had me with her emerald engagement ring- what a DREAM! I had such a great time communicating with her about all of her wedding details and working with her and her family was just a dream. Megan and Kevin tied the knot at the gorgeous St. Josephs Cathedral in downtown San Jose followed by a beautiful reception up at The Olympic Club. It was such a great way to end my 2011 season! Onward!