Bay Area Portrait Photographer : Newborns : Baby Tanner

Blogging from  my future brother and sister's apartment in Manhattan. Heather and a coffee by my side... loving life.... The  last baby I posted, Olivia was the daughter of Melissa - a Presentation High School graduate and now we have Tanner, the son of Stephanie who is also a Pres grad! I remember Stephanie  as the star soccer player when I was just a low frosh... I believe her and her senior class liked to tell us all to "Bow down!" Now she's a mommy and I'm a photographer so we're on level playing ground. ;) It was so amazing meeting her lovely husband Jeff and their new little addition, Tanner (even if he didn't want to sleep through  our session and cry instead!.) I am always so amazed at how teeny tiny babies are....

Finally.... he's getting...sleeeeeepy...