22 weeks pregnant - A note to 2012-2013 brides

So the half way mark has come and gone and true to form, wedding season has been making time fly! Normally, I love and embrace that but knowing how quickly we will be welcoming our little girl (yep!) makes me want to slow the clock down, stay in the moment, and just nest. But you know- life gets a little bit in the way of that! It's easy with the baby nestled in my womb to continue doing what I do (at a bit of a slower pace than normal) but when we have her here in our arms there is no way I can, or want to, work at this pace. It's a struggle for me daily to balance my brains need to constantly work and my hearts need for rest and I can only  imagine how hard that balance will be when we have a baby in the mix.

That said! First, for all of my current clients thank you for being so supportive of this pregnancy and understanding... luckily things have been pretty smooth for me thus far but know that I am taking any precaution I can to stay healthy and fit and making sure I am amply covered with help during your wedding day so I can still do the best job possible for you.

I will be officially on soft maternity leave starting September 24th- I'll be spending the last five weeks (if baby girl gives us that long) finishing up editing Septembers weddings, delivering products, and will still be available on e-mail. Once she arrives, I'll be on hard maternity leave until the end of March. After that, I'll be available on email but not shooting until May (aside from a few off-season weddings!).

If you are a client of 2011 and have not ordered your album yet, you must get your selections into me by August 1st. If I do not get them by then, there is no guarantee that your album will be completed until I return in March.

For 2013 brides, I am only taking on about 10 weddings during baby girls 1st year of life. This is a huge cut-back from my normal workload but a necessary one so if you are interested in booking please get in touch ASAP. I already have a handful in the books and weddings will be taken first come first serve. I will also be unable to do engagement sessions until April or May of 2013 so keep that in mind! I would be more than happy to refer you for an earlier session date with an associate if you'd like to do your engagement session during my leave months.

All right! Thanks for all your support and patience during this exciting time in our lives. I'll recap this a little closer to September but thought it was important to keep all past, current, and future clients in the mix!


