Bay Area Portrait Photographer : Newborns : Olivia

Little Olivia is the daughter of one of my fellow 2002 Presentation Panthers, Melissa, and I couldn't be more thrilled for her and John! One of the coolest parts about doing what I do is that I get to be a part of such amazing moments in people's lives. I photograph them in love, married, when they are welcoming their children into the world... even though a lot of stress comes with these experiences usually there are bright smiles to go along with it and that's really what I live to document. You can't help but look at newborns and be overcome with awe. Awe in how little they've seen, how shortly they've lived, and how soft and pure their bodies are. Little Olivia was such a sweet thing to photograph and I am just so thrilled to have been there to document her first weeks! Congrats to Melissa and John- here's to many more memories to document!

Bay Area Portrait Photographer : Newborns : Baby Olivia

I am old. Officially old- friends from high school are getting married, having babies, buying houses.... and I am loving it! My first shoot of the new year was this beautiful little lamb Olivia- born on December 22nd to the ever lovely Melissa and John. I remember it like it was yesterday Melissa... hanging out in your Santa Barbara dorm room freshmen year drinking vodka out of water bottles. Those were the days! ;) More of this little treasure to come...
