A Photographers Wedding : Venue Searching

{ Wedding countdown : 88 days and 2129 hours }


I am rather picky. It's not that I don't appreciate what is- it's that I have an issue wanting everything to be the best it can possibly be. Of course, in my life, this is both a blessing and a curse. Finding a wedding venue, much to my moms chagrin, did not escape this always becoming trait of mine. ;) When Tim proposed I immediately fell into a state of panic. I'm sure you brides will commiserate with me on this- I couldn't sleep. All I could think of when I closed my eyes was, "What would our wedding look like?" I've seen so many- I had no idea what I wanted- only what I didn't. I didn't want fountains, gazebos, or manicured grass. I did so much googling in the August heat that I thought my mind would melt- my mom and I spent afternoons driving around the bay area looking at venue after venue and while everything was beautiful (okay, not everything)... nothing felt quite right for us. So I stopped thinking about what our wedding would look like and took another approach- what did we want it to feel like? Ahh this was much easier.

Lovely. Artful. Sumptuous. Simple. Intimate. Warm. Cheer. Lively. Sweet. Inviting. Romantic. Grand. Fashioned.

It was through this word-storm that I found this gem: The Headlands Center for the Arts in the Marin Headlands My heart started to race- it looked perfect! I'd never heard of it: check. Artful, lovely, intimate: check....... My mom and I set up a time to tour the space with the sweet Rebecca and headed over the Golden Gate to check it out- we parked and I was happy to see there wasn't any manicured green grass for miles- just beautiful tall wild grass blades blowing in the late summer wind- chills! With a hopeful heart we opened the large doors that led us inside the building and- wait, what was that? A piano? Someone in a distant room was tickling the ivories and the chords were practically vibrating off of the walls and into my soul. SOLD. Tim took a little more convincing, as he has a little more of a "traditional" view of weddings- perhaps it's because he doesn't see them every weekend? But once he saw the space in person he was in- this was it!

The space really is one of those building that feels like it has a serious stories to tell and I can't wait to add our unity to it's walls. Without further ado, here are some snap shots I took almost a year ago of a few of the spaces. Obviously Miss Jasmine Star's talent and Miss Yelena Johnsons impeccable eye for event design will transform it into a wedding but isn't it delectable??? Doesn't it make you want to say words like divine, and oh, darling where is that Mr. Darcy?

{Front Entrance}




